The beloved Animal Crossing: New Horizons has shattered records in Japan, selling over 8 million physical units since its release. This milestone crowns it as the best-selling physical game in Japanese history, surpassing the previous record-holder, Pokemon Red & Green for the Game Boy, which sold 7.93 million units after its 1996 release.
A New Era for Animal Crossing
Since its launch, New Horizons has become a cultural phenomenon, providing players with a peaceful escape and endless customization options. Its record-breaking sales reflect its widespread appeal across all ages and gaming preferences, cementing its place as one of Nintendo’s greatest successes.
Dethroning a Classic
Pokemon Red & Green, which has held the title for nearly three decades, set the standard for blockbuster gaming in Japan. However, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has managed to surpass this legacy with its accessible gameplay, charming characters, and the unique social connections it fosters.
With its massive success, New Horizons isn’t just a game—it’s a global sensation, redefining what it means to create a gaming classic. Nintendo has proven, once again, that they know how to deliver timeless experiences.